I am a physics teacher. Most days I love it.
Other days I can't finish a sentence without being interrupted. Which is totally my own fault. I tell them I want them to ask questions. I just wish they would learn to only ask them when I am not in a bad mood.
I just wanted to tell you thank you for the post you made on my blog! I am continually looking for support and insight on understanding what she is feeling and how to help her and also learning when it's appropriate to push and encourage her and when I should let her be. It's hard as a parent to feel so confident in her and who she is but to see her paralyzed with fear, knowing her life is so much harder than it needs to be and that it is out of her control. Anyway... thank you for the comment! If you ever have the time and want to shoot me an email with any other thoughts, I'd love to hear them.